Frequently Asked Questions
Can FOSSENCE® be used in savory foods? Category: Usage and Applications
FOSSENCE® is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre that can be used in savory foods like savory nutribar or snacks. FOS act as binding agent and partial sugar replacer (FOS is 40% as sweet as sugar). It can be used according to desired level of sweetness that the formulator want to incorporate in the product. Incorporation FOS provide advantage of fibre content improvement and sugar reduction in the product.
Can FOSSENCE® be used in hot beverages like coffee and tea? Category: Usage and Applications
FOSSENCE® belongs to the class of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) or oligofructose and is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. These compounds are known to favorably stimulate the growth of “friendly” gut bacteria like Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. As ingredient FOSSENCE® quite stable at high temperature like in hot water and it is suitable to use in hot beverages like coffee and tea, since these beverages consumed after preparation. Prolonged exposure at high temperatures above 100 °C, FOSSENCE® may hydrolyze to mono and disaccharides.
How does FOSSENCE® perform in specific applications like gummies? Category: Usage and Applications
Gummies are generally made with gelling agent like pectin, gelatin and with sugar. Sugar serves as base and helps in forming gum/jelly like structure with gelling agent. Similar to sugar, Fossence also serves as base and assists in forming gum/jelly structure when used with pectin/gelatin. Fossence has been used and tested in many internally developed formulations and works very well in products like sugar reduced gummies.
How does FOSSENCE® perform in specific applications like chocolates? Category: Usage and Applications
FOSSENCE® can be effectively utilized in chocolate applications, especially for creating reduced-sugar and low-calorie chocolates. Traditional chocolates often contain high amount of sugar and calories. Using FOSSENCE® can reduce the caloric content and additionally provides prebiotic benefits. FOSSENCE® along with polyol like maltitol can completely replace sugar. Apart from health benefit and sugar reduction, FOSSENCE® also provide good mouthfeel to product.
How does FOSSENCE® perform in specific applications like ice cream? Category: Usage and Applications
FOSSENCE® can be very well used in specific application like Ice-cream. As per the guideline set by FSSAI, FOS can be used in a ice-cream, at a permissible dosage of upto 10%. It contributes to the prebiotic content of ice cream, supporting gut health. As FOSSENCE® has a sweetness level that is ~30 to 40% of regular sugar, it makes it a suitable ingredient to reduce sugar in such applications. In ice cream FOSSENCE® along with polyol like maltitol can completely replace sugar and possible to develop no added sugar ice cream. FOSSENCE® also provides improved mouthfeel and creaminess to ice cream.
Can FOSSENCE® be used for cooking and baking like regular sugar? Adjustments needed? Category: Usage and Applications
FOSSENCE® can be used in cooking and baking, although it has some unique properties compared to regular sugar. FOSSENCE® is heat-stable that makes it suitable for various food applications, including bakery items like cakes, cookies, and biscuits. FOSSENCE® behaves in a similar way to sugar in most applications. It can form a cream with butter or fat, just like sugar does. While it provides sweetness, its primary benefit lies in promoting gut health by selectively supporting beneficial gut microbiota. Along with alternate sweetener in combination (maltitol or high intensity sweeteners), FOSSENCE® can potentially replace entire sugar component of sugar rich bakery product like cake/cookies. FOSSENCE® also as humectant and retain moisture in bakery products to keep fresh for longer period and also improve texture.
Is FOSSENCE® suitable for children, pregnant women, and seniors? Category: Usage and Applications
FOSSENCE®, is a soluble prebiotic dietary fiber. Yes, young children (As per WHO young children means age group 06 months to 12 yrs), pregnant women & seniors can consume FOS. However individuals advised restriction in dietary fiber intake should consult their health care professional before consuming.
What is the ideal dosage and intake recommendation for FOSSENCE®? Category: Usage and Applications
FOS as an ingredient for various food applications is allowed by FSSAI. The globally accepted tolerable upper limit of FOS is 20gms/day, which is the tolerable upper level of FOS. Studies have shown that 10 - 15g intakes per day are well tolerated. Studies with intervention of FOSSENCE® has been pursued with an intake of 10 - 15 g/d with no side effects. However, excessive intake may lead to side effects of gastric intolerance such as bloating and flatulence.
Can FOSSENCE® be combined with other prebiotics or dietary fibers for synergy? Category: Technical and Formulation
Yes. FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (sc-FOS) which is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre and has been widely studied for its prebiotic characteristics. Many clinical trials have evaluated combination of scFOS and GOS interventions in infants. Synbiotic intervention like FOS in combination with prebiotic or dieatry fibre such as inulin and acacia gum have also been clinally studied and found safe and tolerable. Digestive wellness products with combination of FOS and psyllium husk are also available. Hence, FOSSENCE® can be used in combination with variety of dietary fibres, for synergy in product formulation.
Are there technical challenges or limitations when working with FOSSENCE®? Category: Technical and Formulation
FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (sc-FOS) which is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. ScFOS are linear chains of 2–4 fructose units, with each individual chain terminated by glucose. FOSSENCE®, as an ingredient for food application, its properties are similar to sugar. It is slightly more hygroscopic in nature and depending on application category, it can give advantages or challenges. When FOSSENCE® is incorporated in powder blend, lower humidity environment can help product be free flowing. In normal food product manufacturing process, FOSSENCE® can be processed same way as sugar. FOSSENCE® is stable in pH range 5 to 8 and can be incorporated in most of the food & beverages categories. Food & beverages with ph <4, like carbonated beverages, sc-FOS may hydrolyze to mono and disaccharides.
Does FOSSENCE® interact with other common food ingredients? Category: Technical and Formulation
FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (sc-FOS) which is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. ScFOS are linear chains of 2–4 fructose units, with each individual chain terminated by glucose. For food application, properties of sc-FOS are similar to sugar. Like sugar, sc-FOS can also interact with food ingredient for example it can create browning in the food due to the Maillard reactions (a chemical reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars produced through dissociation which make the food brown and has a distinct flavor). Sc-FOS is also a good humectant as it can also physically interact with the water in the food/food matrix and help in maintaining the moisture for longer time.
How stable is FOSSENCE® in different storage conditions and temperatures? Category: Technical and Formulation
The declared shelf-life for FOSSENCE® P95 and L95 variant is 24 and 12 months respectively from manufacturing on standalone basis, and when stored in cool, dry, and clean environment. Additionally, during spray drying trials of FOSSENCE®, temperatures rises up to 170°C, and no detectable degradation has been observed. In food matrix systems (such as bakery, dairy, or confectionery products), FOSSENCE® has been used at even higher temperatures, reaching 190-200°C. In most cases, the recovery was greater than 80% to 90%.
Can FOSSENCE® be used in products specifically for gut health or digestive support? Category: Sugar Reductions and Claims
FOSSENCE® is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. Dietary fibre is known to provide many health benefits to the host and is an essential part of the healthy diet. Soluble dietary fibres are fermented in the large intestine by colonic bacteria and as a result many metabolites are produced that positively modulate the intestinal composition of microbiota. In light of this information, Yes, FOSSENCE® can be used in products for gut health or digestive support.
How should FOSSENCE® be declared on food labels in different countries? Category: Sugar Reductions and Claims
FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) which is a non- digestible, highly fermentable soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. The declaration of FOS on food labels can vary depending on the country’s regulations. In the USA, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees food labelling regulations. EU food labelling regulations are comprehensive and cover various aspects. India follows the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) regulations. Pre-packaged foods must be labelled with information as required by these regulations. FOS would need to be listed as an ingredient if it is present in the food product. Specific guidelines may differ based on the type of food, and its intended use. In India, As per gazette notification, Labeling and display -2020 of FSSAI, it can be mentioned as "Contains Oligofructose (dietary fiber) —— gm/100 gm"
What are the legal regulations for using “sugar-free” or “low-sugar” claims with FOSSENCE®? Category: Sugar Reductions and Claims
Claim Perspectives at FSSAI, India: For claiming "Low Sugar": The product contains not more than 5 g of sugars per 100 g for solids or 2.5 g of sugars per 100 ml for liquids. For claiming "Free Sugar/Sugar Free": The product contains not more than 0.5 g of sugars per 100 g for solids or 100 ml for liquids. For more information please refer to the following notification from FSSAI. Gazette_Notification_Advertising_Claims_27_11_2018
How effectively does FOSSENCE® reduce sugar content while maintaining sweetness? Category: Sugar Reductions and Claims
FOSSENCE® is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. By incorporating FOSSENCE, it’s possible to create food products with 25-35% less sugar. This reduction can help address health concerns related to excessive sugar consumption. Polyols (also known as sugar alcohols) and FOSSENCE can be used as alternatives to sugar. When combined with a suitable high-intensity sweetener (at a level of 25 to 100 ppm), they can completely replace sugar. Polyols/FOSSENCE blends, either alone or with some high-intensity sweetener like stevia or sucralose, can be tailored for specific food applications. These blends offer flexibility in creating products with desired sweetness levels while minimizing or replacing sugar content with FOS providing the advantage of fibre content too.
Can FOSSENCE® contribute to improved immune function through its impact on gut microbiota? Category: Impact of Fossence
FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) which is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. It is a soluble prebiotic dietary fiber that helps in proliferation of the beneficial gut bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus in the gut. These bacteria play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome and produce metabolite like short-chain fatty acids that helps in building immunity.
Are there studies exploring FOSSENCE® as a prebiotic therapy for specific conditions? Category: Impact of Fossence
FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (scFOS), a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. It is a well-known functional food ingredient and well-studied for prebiotic activity. As per FSSAI Compendium Nutra_29_09_21, prebiotic is a molecule that confer health benefits to the consumer by modulation of gut microbiota. Fermentation of scFOS in the large intestine promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, such as Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus and other commensal probiotics, and as a result, many metabolites are produced that positively modulate the intestinal composition of microbiota and aid in building immunity. For this purpose, prebiotics like FOS, is already being used in infant formula. Studies suggest that modulation of intestinal microbiota by prebiotics like FOS may reduce inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) encompassing Ulcerative colitis (US) and Crohn's disease (CD). A review article on the therapeutic use of Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Postbiotics suggests that FOS can be a potential candidate for prebiotic therapy to prevent Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Other than the modulation of colonic bacteria, it is suggested that prebiotic therapy may also improve intestinal motility. According to the FSSAI (Advertising and Claims) Regulations, 2018, Soluble Dietary Fibre taken as part of a diet may help in the maintenance of normal lipid profile. ScFOS, being a soluble dieatry fibre may aid in the above mentioned function, as well.
Could FOSSENCE® help manage gastrointestinal disorders like IBS or IBD? Category: Impact of Fossence
FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (scFOS), a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. It is a well-known functional food ingredient and well-studied for prebiotic activity. Studies suggests that modulation of intestinal microbiota by non-digestible carbohydrates like FOS may reduce inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) encompassing Ulcerative colitis (US) and Crohn's disease (CD). Although, dietary supplementation of FOS is associated with gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating and flatulence in healthy subjects, despite this concern that patients with CD may experience increased gastrointestinal symptoms compared with healthy controls, many studies with FOS intervention were well tolerated. Patients have reported an increase in only the incidence of gut rumbling and the severity of flatulence, the magnitude of which was consistent with that observed in healthy subjects . Ten patients with active Crohn's disease on stable medication received 15 g FOS per day and was well tolerated by them, also led to a significant improvement in disease activity. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before using FOSSENCE® for managing gastrointestinal disorders. Following are dosage recommendation as per FSSAI and scientific articles for general human population and food applications... 1. For bakery upto 15% 2. Others than bakery upto 10% 3. Safe intake of Fossence is 10 – 15 g / day. 4. Upper Tolerable limit of Fossence is 20 g / day
What’s the long-term impact on gut microbiota composition and diversity? Category: Impact of Fossence
FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (scFOS), a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. According to a recent scientific review article (systematic review and meta-analysis: Dou et al. 2022 ), which included 9 studies with FOS intervention wherein the duration ranged from 7 to 56 days. This meta-analysis objectively investigated the effect of FOS on bacterial communities and gastrointestinal symptoms, and reached a conclusion that FOS intervention could increase the number of Bifidobacterium spp. in the colon with profound effects on dose range i.e. 7.5–15 g/d and longer duration (>4 weeks). The dosages were also well tolerated.
What specific types of beneficial gut bacteria does FOSSENCE® promote? Category: Impact of Fossence
FOSSENCE® is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre that primarily promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, particularly: 1. Bifidobacteria, which is known for their role in contributing to gut homeostasis and health of the host by inhibiting harmful bacterial growth and help modulating the immune system. One of their important function is the production of lactate and acetate that is converted to butyrate by other colonic bacteria which has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. 2. Lactobacillius helps in the fermentation of carbohydrates, producing lactic acid which helps maintain an acidic environment in the gut, preventing the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Additionally, they also play a crucial role in maintaining overall gut health and in building immunity.
Are there potential interactions between FOSSENCE® and medications? Category: Health and Nutrition
To the best of our knowledge, so far, no clinical study has recorded studying prebiotics and drug interactions. However, researcher also suggests that as prebiotics and probiotics, both modulate the gut microbiota composition and activity and can potentially enhance drug efficacy, reducing adverse drug response. Studies will be warranted to confirm such concepts.
Does FOSSENCE® contribute to weight management goals? How? Category: Health and Nutrition
FOSSENCE®, is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. Being a dietary fibre it may help in the weight management by proliferating good bacteria in the gut. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no direct evidence of FOSSENCE® helping in weight management.
Can FOSSENCE® help manage blood sugar levels in diabetics? Category: Health and Nutrition
FOSSENCE® is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre and as an ingredient can be consumed by individuals advised restricted sugar intake or are conscious of their calorie intake. The total composition and thereby the nutrient content of the final product would define if the product made, utilizing FOSSENCE® is suitable for a person living with diabetes. It is advisable to investigate the Glycemic Index (GI) of the product that is being prepared for the purpose. Studies have shown that FOS may be a good option for diabetic patients.
How does FOSSENCE® promote gut health and microbiome balance? Category: Health and Nutrition
By each day passing, the consumer is realizing that a healthy gut (microbiome) contributes to overall well-being and good health. Prebiotic supplements act as food for the gut bacteria which in-turn participate in the metabolism of complex carbohydrates and plant fibres. FOSSENCE® is fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) molecule which is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre known for its prebiotic effect such as Bifidogenic capabilities. One of our studies evaluated the effect of FOS in healthy humans at different dosage levels (2.5, 5, and 10 g/d) on beneficial fermentative microbes (Bifdobacterium, Lactobacillus) and concluded that FOS consumption increased the relative abundance of operational taxonomix units (OTUs) belonging to Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and increased overall bacterial diversity and butyrate producing microbes. Our another in-vitro study evaluated the Prebiotic index (PI) of FOSSENCE®. PI quantifies prebiotic effects of a prebiotic in-vitro. 0.5% FOSSENCE® was fermented in experiment based on the SHIME model using fecal inoculum from a healthy individual and various metabolic parameters were analyzed. FOSSENCE® greatly enhanced the beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus and achieved a PI value of 14.9 at 24h that indicates high prebiotic effect.
Are there potential risks associated with long-term consumption of FOSSENCE® in high amounts? Category: Consumer Focused Questions
FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (scFOS), a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre and is suitable for consumption by individuals across age groups. Studies with intervention of scFOS has been pursued with an intake of 10 - 15 g/d with no side effects. However, excessive intake may lead to side effects of gastric intolerance such as bloating and flatulence. Safe intake of FOS is 10 – 15 g/day with and Upper Tolerable limit of as 20 g/day in the general population. According to a recent scientific review article (systematic review and meta-analysis: Dou et al. 2022 ), which included 9 studies with FOS intervention wherein the dose range was 7.5–15 g/d and duration ranged from 7 to 56 days. This meta-analysis objectively investigated the effect of FOS on bacterial communities and gastrointestinal symptoms, and reached a conclusion that FOS intervention not only could increase the number of Bifidobacterium spp. in the colon but the dosages were also well tolerated.
Should I consult a healthcare professional before incorporating FOSSENCE® into my diet? Category: Consumer Focused Questions
FOSSENCE® is short-chain fructo-oligosaccharide (scFOS), a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre and an approved nutraceutical ingredient by FSSAI. A prebiotic is a molecule that confer health benefits to the consumer by modulation of gut microbiota and a neutraceutical is define as an ingredient that provide a physiological benefit and help maintain good health. Individuals from different age groups, e.g. young children (as per WHO young children means age group 06 months to 12 yrs), pregnant women & seniors can consume scFOS. However, in specific cases, it is better to seek expert opinion before incorporating FOSSENCE® into the diet, e.g. individuals advised to restrict dietary fiber intake should consult their healthcare professional before consuming it. A healthcare professional can provide personalized advice based on your health status, dietary needs, and any potential interactions with medications or existing medical conditions.
Could FOSSENCE® be harmful in combination with existing supplements or probiotics? Category: Consumer Focused Questions
Absolutely not. FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (sc-FOS) which is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre and has been widely studied for its prebiotic characteristics. It is already being used in infant formula that contains variety of nutritive supplements and certain probiotics. Following are dosage recommendation as per FSSAI and scientific articles for general human population and food applications... 1. Safe intake of FOS is 10 – 15 g / day. 2. Upper Tolerable limit of FOS is 20 g / day 3. In infant formula FOS can be added at 0.8 gm/100ml dosage Hence is is safer to consume in recommended amounts.
Are there specific foods or drinks to avoid while consuming FOSSENCE®? Category: Consumer Focused Questions
FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (scFOS), a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre and is suitable for consumption by individuals across age groups. It is an FSSAI approved nutraceuticals, which due to its properties can be incorporated into variety of food for its prebiotic and dietary fibre advantages. For food application, the allowable limit of FOS addition by FSSAI is as follows... 1. For bakery application- upto 15%, 2. Other than bakery application- upto 10% Safe intake of scFOS is 10 – 15 g/day with an upper tolerable limit as 20 g/day. We request consumers eating the products with fructooligosaccharide as an ingredient in it, stick to the recommended portion size mentioned on the label, and they should not encounter any discomfort unless advised otherwise by their healthcare professionals (e.g indivduals on a FODMAP diet).
How can I gradually introduce FOSSENCE® into my diet to avoid digestive discomfort? Category: Consumer Focused Questions
FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (scFOS), a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. It has a mildly sweeter taste i.e. ~30 to 40% of regular sugar and it acts as binding agent hence by incorporating FOSSENCE®, it’s possible to create food products with 25-35% less sugar. This reduction can help address health concerns related to excessive sugar consumption. It can also be used in savory foods like savory nutribar or snacks. Food products with FOS in them provide advantage of fibre content improvement and sugar reduction in the product. Following are the dosage recommendation as per FSSAI and scientific articles for general human population and food applications... 1. For bakery application- up to 15%, 2. Other than bakery application- up to 10%, 3. Safe intake of FOS is 10 – 15 g / day, 4. Upper Tolerable limit of FOS is 20 g / day Therefore, the consumers are advised to carefully read the food labels and look for the ingredients list that would mention the term "Oligofructose"/"Fructooligsaccharide" and make mindful and informed food choices.
Does FOSSENCE® have taste or texture differences compared to regular sugar? Category: Consumer Focused Questions
FOSSENCE® has a mildly sweet taste i.e. ~30 to 40% of regular sugar. Depending upon the variant, FOSSENCE® sweetness ranges from 40% to 70% compared to sucrose. In terms of the texture, FOSSENCE® is very similar to regular sugar as in same bulking property, fine powder in nature and clean taste profile. As an ingredient, when Fossence is used in different food matrix, it behaves very similar to sugar.
What are potential side effects of consuming FOSSENCE® in high amounts? Category: Consumer Focused Questions
FOSSENCE® is suitable for consumption by individuals across age groups. Studies with intervention of FOSSENCE® has been pursued with an intake of 10 - 15 g/d with no side effects. However, exsessive intake may lead to side effects of gastric intolerance such as bloating and flatulence. Safe intake of FOS is 10 – 15 g/day with and Upper Tolerable limit of as 20 g/day in the general population.
Does Tata NQ offer technical or formulation support for manufacturers? Category: Beyond the basics
Yes. Tata NQ is dedicated towards providing a full solution to our valued existing and promising customers. We do offer formulation support to the new product development (NPD) for food product manufacturers and R&D/application based customer queries. Please connect with TATA chemicals for your specific application and our team of scientist will definitely be able to assist you in your NPD journey.
Are there collaborations or partnerships with research institutions or universities? Category: Beyond the basics
FOSSENCE® as a product is fully developed, clinically studied molecule and is being used in food products succesfully. However we constantly explore the opportunities to meet our customers requirements, and ready to collaborate according to the need of hour.
How is Tata NQ advancing research and development around FOSSENCE®? Category: Beyond the basics
FOSSENCE® is a clinically studied molecule. It has been studied for postprandial glycemic and insulinimic response, (alone or when mixed with available carbohydrates in solid or liquid form) and does not increase post-prandial glucose and insulin level. Our another study evaluated the effect of FOS in healthy humans at different dosage levels on beneficial fermentative microbes (Bifdobacterium, Lactobacillus) and concluded that FOS consumption increased the relative abundance of operational taxonomix units (OTUs) belonging to Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus and increased overall bacterial diversity and butyrate producing microbes. It is our constant endeavor to add value in our offerings to customers and we may look into more clinical trials to support any claim that is aligned with our FOSSENCE® business goals.
What are the applications of FOSSENCE® beyond human nutrition? Category: Beyond the basics
FOSSENCE® is short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) which is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. FOSSENCE® can be applied very well in the feed and pet food formulations, to improve the gut health of shrimps, cattle, poultry and pets (dogs and cats).
How is FOSSENCE® different from FOS derived from chicory root ? Category: General
FOSSENCE® is produced through biotransformation of sucrose (cane sugar) by the action of a microbial, cell bound enzyme Beta-fructofuranosidase/fructosyltransferase from A. pullulans. The FOS produced from this process is a short chain Fructo-oligosaccharide (scFOS) having a DP of 3-5. On the other hand, FOS derived from Chicory root follows a process of extractions methods involving treating the roots at 70-90 degC, solvent precipitation, partial enzyme degradation if required, and purification. This yields Inulin/FOS that has a longer DP of 2-60.
How is FOSSENCE® different from Inulin ? Category: General
FOSSENCE®: It is short-chain fructooligosaccharide (scFOS) and is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre. It is naturally found in banana, onion, artichokes etc. FOSSENCE® has a degree of polymerization of 3-5. It is non-digestible in the stomach and fermented rapidly in the gut by beneficial microbes to show prebiotic activity. FOSSENCE®is available in many variant as FOSSENCE P95, GR95, L95, L55 and L55+. It has the 30-40% sweetness as of sugar but the above range of FOSSENCE® grades can provide 40-70% sweetness as as of sucrose. It works well as an ingredient to partially replace sugar while improving product characteristics like spread or creating a softer, crisp texture. Inulin: Inulin, is also a fructan molecule with DP ranging between 2-60. Due to this longer DP range, it is fermented gradually by gut bacteria compared to scFOS. It has lesser solubility at lower temperatures. Inulin has a neutral taste, different functional properties and is commonly used as a fat replacer and gel former.
Where can I find scientific evidence supporting FOSSENCE®’s health benefits? Category: General
Please visit our Tata NQ website to download scientific evidence related content.
Is FOSSENCE® safe for everyone? Are there any restrictions or precautions? Category: General
FOSSENCE® can be regarded as a nature-inspired prebiotic fiber as it is naturally found in a number of edible plants, such as chicory, onions, asparagus, wheat, banana etc. FOSSENCE® is suitable for consumption by individuals across age groups. It is notified in the US as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) and can be used in multiple food products. It is an ingredient that can be consumed by individuals advised restricted sugar intake or are conscious of their calorie intake. The total composition and thereby the nutrient content would define if the product made utilizing FOSSENCE® is suitable for a person living with diabetes. FOS due to its low GI effect can be consumed by diabetes /obese population. Dietary supplementation of FOS is associated with gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating and flatulence in healthy subjects. According to an early study, optimal and well-tolerated dose of scFOS that significantly increased fecal bifidobacteria in healthy volunteers consuming their usual diet is 10 g/d. Safe intake of FOS is 10 – 15 g/day with and Upper Tolerable limit of as 20 g/day in the general population and at 4.2 g/day in infants. FSSAI recommends FOS dosage as 0.8 gm/100ml in Infant formula.
What are the key benefits of using FOSSENCE® in food and beverages? Category: General
FOSSENCE® is a good humectant and is also freely soluble in water. These properties of FOS help in retaining the moisture in the food matrix. Along with its low calorific value (2kcal), its sweetness is only the 40% of sugar, which helps in imparting the sweet taste to the food. All these properties make FOSSENCE® an excellent F&B ingredient. It can be applied in various product ranging from 10 to 15% of incorporation, as guidance set by FSSAI.